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HomePresident's Message


Greetings! I am Jerusalem “J.” Howard and I am proud and excited to be leading the ICF Metro DC Chapter.


As ICF members, we are part of a global community of coaches. The profession of coaching has grown at an incredible pace over the past two decades, and well over 25,000 credentialed coaches now practice under the standards of ICF worldwide. With chapters scattered around the globe from Morocco to Moscow, Malaysia to Montevideo, and back to Metro DC, ICF is truly empowering the world through coaching. As the largest city chapter, we have many opportunities to learn, grow, share, and make a difference.


I am deeply grateful to Past President Marlene Thomas for her outstanding contributions. Because of her work, I am confident that our Chapter has a strong foundation and a vision that will help us grow and serve our members for years to come. ICF Global agrees: our governing body honored our chapter with a Chapter Recognition Award in 2021.


There are a few things I want to be sure all visitors to this site - active and prospective members, strategic partners, and individuals seeking coaching - know:

  • If you’ve got an ICF Metro DC Chapter coach, you’ve got the best! Why? Because our members are part of a lively, thriving, curious and concerned community of learners; because our members participate in relevant, thought-provoking, skill-building professional development; and because together, we are developing strategic partnerships and alliances to promote the profession of coaching in our area.

  • Our committees and board drive our chapter forward to advance the coaching profession in Washington, DC, northern Virginia, and suburban Maryland - and I want you to contribute to and through them! Serving on the board or a committee will help you make personal and professional connections that enrich life and give you opportunities to grow as a leader. Please check out the “Get Involved” tab to determine where you fit.

  • Supporting the self-care and wellness practices of our clients is a core tenet of the coaching profession, and it’s something that we must practice ourselves! As we continue to live amidst a global pandemic unprecedented in our lifetimes, ICF Metro DC will provide programming and space to encourage and allow for essential self-care.


I thank you for your commitment to, interest in, or curiosity about coaching, and I invite you to contact me with any questions, ideas, or feedback about the ICF Metro DC chapter at


Mailing Address:

5614 Connecticut Ave, NW


Washington, DC 20015