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HomeProfessional Development Opportunities


To keep pace with industry expectations and emerging standards, continual learning is crucial. The ICF Metro DC Chapter is proud to present frequent, high-quality, easily accessible learning opportunities; available to chapter members for free, and accessible to guests for a small fee.

Continuing coaching education units can be earned through nearly all sessions and workshops, helping coaches earn and maintain their ICF credentials. To receive CCEUs for ICF Metro DC Learning & Development sessions, individuals must attend the event in real-time. CCEU certificates will be emailed to participants following each session. 

The Learning & Development Committee strategically cultivates a learning calendar to meet the needs and desires of local coaches. Topics selected for presentation to the chapter fall into one of the following strands, and at least two opportunities per strand are presented each year. You'll find the strand of a session listed on its entry on our Events Calendar. Strands include: 
  • AI and Coaching
  • Business Development
  • Coaching Ethics
  • Personal/Professional Development
  • Supervision/Mentor Coaching
  • Team Coaching
  • Wellness: Trauma-Informed, Somatic, Emotional Intelligence, etc.

Upcoming Opportunities 

  • Visit our chapter's Events Calendar to view and register for upcoming learning and development sessions organized and hosted by ICF Metro DC -- free with your chapter membership! 
  • Visit the ICF Events Calendar to view and register for sessions offered by ICF Global and other chapters.

Become a Presenter

Share your knowledge with the ICF Metro DC community! Visit our speaker page to learn what type of content we seek, and to submit your application. 

Join the Committee

The Learning and Development Committee needs strategic thinkers who have great ideas and like to plan and/or lead events. Volunteers coordinate partnerships with professional organizations, learning organizations, ICF chapters, and others to present speakers, programs, and events that support professional development. Visit the committee page to learn more and get involved! 


Mailing Address:

5614 Connecticut Ave, NW


Washington, DC 20015