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At our December, 2022 meeting, the Board approved updates to the Chapter Bylaws. Our bylaws are the chapter's operating manual establishing the purpose of the chapter, the role of the board and committees, and the rules of the road for the continued operation, sustainability, and good health of ICF Metro DC. We made updates to develop the organizational infrastructure that is needed to support and serve our large and growing membership.  You will notice several changes that allow us to adopt best practices for a chapter of our size. 

Your board members are deeply committed to the organization and we discussed, debated and created a product that we believe will help us to succeed and lead into the future.  Our proposed changes were approved by ICF Global and by our membership.

Read the Bylaws.

Please note the following key changes:

Committees –  Board committees are essential; they provide opportunities for chapter members to make meaningful leadership contributions, build the capacity of our chapter and create a pipeline for future members of the board of directors.  The previous bylaws required permanent committees for communication and marketing, membership, professional development, pro bono, coaching coffees, nominating and the Capital Coaches Conference.  The revised bylaws added permanent committees for finance; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); governance, and strategic partnerships.
Board Size– Previously, the composition of the Board was to be no fewer than nine (9) and no more than eleven (11) members. The revised bylaws expand the potential composition to be no fewer than nine (9) and no more than fourteen (14) members.


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Washington, DC 20015